

My viewers, if anybody is taking my pictures off of my blog for their personal use, I strongly advise you to refrain from continuing to do so! I will now be water marking all my pictures. If I find out people are using my pictures without permission, you will be informed through my blog. This is a violation of my artwork and must be stopped. I want my blog to be a website for people to enjoy, NOT TO STEAL FROM!  Thank You.


New Picture Purchaser!

As you all can see, to the left of this post I have made a slide show of just a fraction of the many pictures I have taken. Now, these pictures may be a little fuzzy or pixelated. That is only because the definition of the picture is very high and clear. The widget can't define the picture as well as my camera can. Above the widget I wrote: "Pictures For Sale", that means, if anyone wants to purchase one of my pictures in this introduction widget, I will sell it to you for a modest price. If you are interested, just go to the comment section, tell me which picture you would like to buy and I will start the payment process. You could choose if you want the picture to be digital or printed like a regular picture. The rest will be discussed through the payment process. If you have anymore questions about purchasing or about my blog, please do not hesitate to ask me in the comment section. Thank you!   



Has anyone heard about the new TV series, Splatalot? I have seen an episode of the show. Personally, I don't care much for that kind of entertainment. But, if anyone knows who the contestants are, please tell me in the comment section. (If unfamiliar on how to comment, please go the article on "Commenting" from 2010) I would also like to know what kind of movies my viewers like to see. If you could all chip in and tell me what movies interest you, I would be more than happy to write a review of that film. Thank you for your help. Please visit A.E.C. Economy Watch and Fresh Topics regularly and tell your friends and family!