
A Poem:

Confused, no ideas.
Confused, no ideas, nothing.
Confused, no ideas, nothing, and yet...
Something, anything.
Something, anything, everything.
Something, anything, everything, still...
Alone, by yourself.
Alone, by yourself, no one.
Alone, by yourself, no one, but I have...
A friend.
A friend, a nice friend.
A friend, a nice friend, who is always there.
A friend, a nice friend, who is always there, who...?

A contemperary poem to express feelings. This simple format is suposed to capture your feelings and lead you deep into the poem as you read. This poem can be expressed as a painting or a sketch or even a story. Try writing a poem or painting a picture when you are really mad or really happy. Look at the picture and write a poem. It may sound or look weird when you show it to other people, but you will understand it and that is what matters. Submit a poem and I will post it on this blog post. ♡


A Summer Haiku:

A gentle cool breeze,
A bright beautiful day,
A warm summer day.

What I wrote above is a form of poetry. This type of poem is from Japan and is considered a tough form of poetry. You firsts have to think up a theme. Mine was about summer. You make three lines. The first line has to be 5 syllables. The second line has to be 7 syllables. The Third line has to be 5 syllables again. This may not look like 5, 7 and 5 syllables, but it is. Just count the beats of each line.


Summer Vacation Here I Come!

You right now are probably shaking in your seat as you wait for the last day of school to come. I can't wait for summer to come! I am going on a trip for the first part of summer and am going to stay outside for the rest of the summer and play with my cat. I interviewed Torc and asked him what he wants to do this summer. Torc says, "I want to play video games, watch T.V. and that's it." Wow. Those are some FUN plans. :| Well, I am curios to hear what you are going to do in Summer, put your plans in the comments section and I will post it on this blog post! Have a great Summer.

Click this link below to see a beautiful summer picture:


Commen Canadian Birds

Today, I will show different types of birds you can see in Canada. Some are red, blue, white or black! There are so many. If you look above you will see a common loon. Loons are one of the most important birds here in Canada. The Loon is on the loonie and on stamps. Below you will see a Blue Jay. The Blue Jay is used as a proxy for Canada's baseball team. Beside the Blue Jay you will see a red Cardinal. Cardinals are commonly seen in nature reserves and in residencial areas.

There are so many more birds you can see. Weather you are in Canada or Africa, the birds will always be beautiful. If you want to see more click this link and go there right now. ↓


Dazzling Diamonds

Today I will show and talk about different diamonds. There are many beautiful diamonds with different shapes. If you look below, there are the standard shapes. Jewelry stores make custom shapes for their customers. They come in a vast many colours. If you look below the picture you will see different types of diamond. ↓

:Blue Saphire

: Red Ruby

If you wish to see more spectacular diamonds and crystals, click this link to see more!


Wild Flowers:

No doubt you and your family go for pleasant walks on trails and paths through the wilderness. You most likely see a wonderful wild flower in your path. You wonder what kind of flower is this? Wonder no more, I will show you some types of wild flowers that would commonly be seen on paths and trails. ↓

Canadian Violet:

Canadian Trillium:

Morning Glory:

There are so many more wild flowers in Canada that it is almost impossible to name them all. Please read my next post, Canadian Wildlife. ♡