
Summer Can be Hazardous!

Ah, summer. A wonderful time. A time when the flowers bloom and the birds chirp. Well, summer may look as peaceful and as innocent as I wrote it. In actual fact, summer can be hazardous. How? Well, the heat from the sun can cause cancer, heat stroke, sun burns and could even make you blind if you are not careful. How could the sun cause cancer? If you enjoy the sun you may go outside and put on sun glasses and read a book. But while you are reading that book, the sun is burning your skin. Your skin turns red. A lot of people make tis mistake. They think that since we are in Canada the sun won't hurt. That is wrong. A lot of people these days are getting cancer from making that same mistake all the time and not dressing properly. If you look at my previous blog 'Have a sun burn?' It will tell you how you can get rid of your sun burn and prevent one. Heat stroke. This happens when you don't drink enough water during the day. I got heat stroke once. I couldn't even keep my eyes open I was so dehidrated. I was in Florida and I had a lot of misquido bites and a little sun burn on my arms and legs. I didn't drink enogh water and the poisen in the bites made me weary So I would sleep most of the time. You can prevent this from happening by drinking at least 2 L of water a day and wearing light weight long sleeves and pants and always wearing a hat. How could the sun make you blind? It's quite obvious, if you don't wear sun glasses that are not UV Ray protected or not wear them at all the sun could blind you with it's brightness. If you have any comments or questions, please comment. If you do not know how, take a look at my blog 'Commenting.' ☀

1 comment:

  1. This is a well-written piece; thank you for the information!


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