Live a Healthy Life

Live a Healthy Life!

Do you want to live for a long time, at least to a 100? If you wish to achieve such a goal, you must work for it. Here are the steps to living a healthy life:

  • Eat healthy foods
  • Get exercise
  • Have a positive attitude 
  • Always want to learn new things
  • Breath fresh air
  • Relax everyday 
These points explain themselves when you read them. But just to explain, you have to eat very healthy foods because your body needs the nutrients and vitamins that come from those foods. You obviously need exercise so your muscles and bones become stronger. Amazingly, having a positive attitude actually helps you live longer. Always wanting to learn new things helps refresh your mind. Refreshing your mind really helps to make you feel good and it helps to keep your brain active.  Your lungs need to keep that pink colour somehow! Why not refresh your lungs with fresh air. Go on nature trails where there are trees and plants and a beautiful scenery. While getting fresh air you also relax, and relaxing is as important as exercising. Your body needs time to rejuvinate or fix itself. That time happens when your asleep. When you are relaxing, you calm the body down and you get ready to go to sleep. That is about the most important tome of the day. So keep your body well kept and healthy. :)

Greener Is Better

Our world is polluted from gasses and trash. There is not a lot we can do, but we can surely show that we care about the situation. As you all have noticed, I have put many pictures promoting a green/ Eco-friendly way to treat the environment. Here are some helpful ways:

  • Compost your organic material
  • Use less water
  • Ride your bike to school instead of driving or taking the bus
  • Go geothermal
  • Use solar panels on your roof
  • Don't waste food or electricity
I am sure you have all heard about GREEN HOUSE GAS, and about how the polar ice caps are melting, how our water is running low and how pollution is worse than ever. Lots of companies and people have looked at these problems and have tried to solve them. Unfortunately, no one has come close to completely solving the problem.

Another point I would like to add is, have you looked at the price of gasoline lately? I have, the reason why the price goes up is because there is less oil going around to fuel cars or factories. The oil reserves are running low, which means we are running out of oil! It is a shock to some people because when they were younger, they thought we would never run out of oil. Now, we are getting much less than what we used to get. We are depleting the oil wells. Humans are ruining the earth. But, what hope is their? How do you suppose all this suffering will end?