Info on cats will talk about cat behaviour. If a cat rubbs himself against you, it means that he likes you and is also spreading his scent. You are probably wondering why the cat rubbs his face and head against stuff. It is because he is spreading his scent around the house claiming it. The only reason why a cat rubbs stuff is to spread scent. Now if the cat bites you, don't think of the cat being mad at you, the cat is actually 'kissing' you in a cat way. The cat will know when to stop biting you. Do not try to pull away because it will hurt more when you pull away. I pull away all the time because my cat is very fast when he tries to bite me. If you want me to post any more information about cats that you need, please comment in the comment section. ↓
i never knew that if a cat bites you it just is "kissing" you. My cat does that all the time and i scold her. i am sorry cat.