
Movie Review: Tron Legacy

Hello movie lovers, in addition to this blog I will be posting simple movie reviews for the latest films. Today I will start with Tron. It has been out for a while now, but if you read this you can consider buying the movie.

L    E    G    A    C    Y

I have watched Tron Legacy with the prior knowledge of Tron the original movie. Tron Legacy is about Flynn's son entering the grid while looking for his father. When he gets onto the grid he learns about the vast games that he has to complete and what danger is involved with finding his father. This action filled movie has a good story line and is great for movie nights. Tron Legacy isn't a direct continuation with Tron (the original motion picture). 

As for the animation features, it is a must-see. The animation looks so real on a 3D screen, I highly recommend seeing this movie on a 3D screen. If your looking for an action filled, 3D motion picture for the family, I highly recommend this movie for all(ages 12+).  

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