
IMPORTANT Info On Cats: Collars and licenses

This Info On Cats article is a very important one when it comes to your cat's safety. When you get a cat you have to get it a license, a small keychain-looking thing that has your cat's information on it. Your cat MUST wear these licenses because if your cat gets lost, someone will look at the collar and return it. If your cat does not have a collar and license, it may be taken to a pound and you may never get your cat back. When you buy a collar, you should not be too fancy because your cat doesn't care if it has diamonds or not, the simpler the collar the better. I bought my cat a Safe Cat® Break Away reflective collar because he likes to go outside at night. Most collars have a Break Away feature. The Break Away feature is, if your cat gets stuck on a branch or something that won't let it get away, the collar will break the clip that holds the collar together, letting the cat get away. Some people may not bother putting the collar on the cat or even putting the license on the collar. Don't do that, as soon as you get your cat, get the collar on with the licenses, especially if your cat goes for walks outside like mine does. Remember, the collar doesn't have to be fancy, just a nice design and a bell is good. Your veterinarian will update your cat's license every year. Keep your cat safe and happy.

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