
IMPORTANT: No More Alternative Energy!

Have you recently heard about what the governments are going to do with alternative energy? If you have you must agree that this is horrible, not only for the environment but also how we look. What I mean by that is, humans now look like they don't care about the environment and care more about money. Unfortunately, in this system, the only reason why the governments don't go to alternative energy is because they think it is to expensive. This is an introduction to another economical article. Stay Tuned.


Integrating a new cat: part 2

Hello, this part two of my article about bringing a new cat to the family. If you followed each step correctly, and the older cat still mistreats the younger cat you have to take considerable action. My older cat, Duke, still mistreats Earl. However, when he does growl or strike Earl, we simply snap our fingers or call his name firmly. After that he stops and doesn't continue. Sometimes Earl starts it be violently playing with Duke. That is also unacceptable. You must train the kitten to learn to play gently by slapping him gently when he claws at the other cat, and small things like that should correct the problem. My next article will be about, why do the older cats let the younger cats beat them up? Stay tuned at AEC Smarter Economics.


Great New Subject!!!!!!

Very soon I will write about a very interesting topic about how to train your cat/kitten to learn how to walk the fences and walk by itself outside AND how to come back home when called by the owner. (you) Please stay tuned for this very important message. :)


New Blog Name!

Letter from the editor,

Hello and welcome to my blog, I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation and are regularly checking this awesome blog! Anyway, I have just changed my blog name from, "AEC Economy watch and fresh topics" to "AEC Smarter Economics". I hope you enjoy my blog and ask lots of questions for me to answer during my summer break! See you soon.

