Russia: Prime Minister Vladamir Putin says he has big plans for Russia’s nuclear energy. In 2001, when Vladamir Putin was the president of Russia, he signed a package of laws about importing nuclear fuel that was purchased. This process allowed trading to happen. Over the last decade this process made $20 billion. Russia has also purchased fuel from Bulgaria, Czech, Republic, Latvia, Libya, Romania, Suburbia and Uzbekistan. Russia also bought depleted uranium from power plants in France, Germany, and the Netherlands. An estimated 700,000 tons of radioactive uranium tailings (including waste from Russia) are being held in Siberian cold storage. Mayak is known for having the number of ecological disasters. However, for Vladamir Putin, it means big money. $$$
Mexico: Barack Obama may be rethinking off shore drilling. But Mexican Felipe Calderon’s main concern is that his country is not drilling enough. Their oil production has decreased by 1 billion barrels since 2004. Pemex, an oil monopoly or a company with an exclusive right to oil wells, is drilling new oil wells everywhere to find oil. All of Mexico’s wild life should be afraid because according to Pemex’s safety record more than 1,000 Pemex workers have died in industrial accidents in the last 20 years. After all, Pemex is responsible for the 1979 toxic disaster.
Ghana: The Ghana government has tried to make good come from trash. Ghana basically wants to make electricity come from the gases of the trash heaps. Ghana hopes they will reach the goals of generating 50 megawatts of electricity out of trash over the next 15 years. In Ghana, so many people look through the trash that there is hardly anything left to make electricity from gas. In 2008, Ghana spent $250 million on importing trash from Canada and Western Europe.
Netherlands: The Netherlands has so few prisoners that they hard to close 8 prisons and cut more than a thousand jobs. Belgian has the opposite problem. They have 10, 400 prisoners and they need more space. The Belgian government is thinking of renting 500 Dutch prisons for $38 million a year to send their prisoners to.
Australia: Australia is worried about the growing opium producing poppies because they don’t want to increase crime, drug abuse and terrorism. Poppies are legal to grow in Australia for medicine like for pain relief. So, Tasmania has taken the opportunity to grow poppies and rake in $60 million per year.